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New Match! versions 3.1.0, 2.4.7 and 1.11j

January 19, 2016

We have just released new updates for all three Match! versions (1, 2 and 3): While Match! version 3.1.0 provides a significant amount of new functionality (see below), 2.4.7 and 1.11j are pure maintenance releases providing bug fixes.


Match! 3.1.0

The following improvements and bug fixes have been implemented in Match! 3.1.0:

  • You can now edit or delete reference database entries marked in the candidate list (not possible for ICDD PDF database entries though).
  • New version of COD reference database
  • It is now possible to use entries even in non-standard settings for Rietveld refinement, provided that the corresponding space group symmetry data are present in Match!.
  • New command "Edit background" in the "Pattern" menu (shortcut )
  • You can now edit the sample IDs of additional patterns by using the corresponding new command from the pattern menus.
  • The commands "Edit/Sample ID" und "Edit/Sample Date/Time" have been moved from the "Edit" into the "Pattern" menu.
  • When importing automatic divergence slit (ADS) data, the user is now asked if he would like to convert them in fixed slit data (FDS).
  • Several bugs have been fixed:
    • A bug affecting the usage of the preferred orientation vector in Rietveld refinement calculations (vector given in Parameter Turn-On dialog was not used in FullProf script) has been resolved.
    • Two bugs affecting the keeping of reference databases while resetting Match! to its factory settings have been fixed.
    • An issue causing the displaying/reading of wrong entry data in large COD- or user reference databases has been fixed.
    • A bug causing e.g. export problems if 2 byte characters were present in the file name/path has been fixed.
    • If peak parameters were edited in the peak list during a search-match calculation that was run automatically after another peak had been edited, the program crashed.
    • Some minor bugs have been fixed as well.

Match! version 3 users should download and install the new version 3.1.0 from here.


Match! 2.4.7

Several bugs have been fixed in Match! 2.4.7:

  • An issue causing the displaying/reading of wrong entry data in large COD- or user reference databases has been fixed.
  • Some minor bugs have been fixed as well.

Match! version 2 users should download and install the new version 2.4.6 from here.

Please note that the online update function of version 2.4.5 leads you to the download page of version 3 by mistake, due to the fact that version 3 was not available yet when 2.4.5 was released. Please advance to the new update page of version 2 instead.


Match! 1.11j

Even for Match! version 1 an update has become available, basically providing some fixes for minor bugs.

Match! version 1 users should either use the online update function or download and install the new version 1.11j from here.


Match! Demo Version and Information

If you are new to Match! and would like to learn more about it, please visit the Match! web page. where you can also download a full-featured (time-limited) demonstration version free-of-charge.