Profile Fitting Search-Match (PFSM)

Match! offers the innovative profile fitting search-match (PFSM) as an alternative to the classical search-match based on peak data. PFSM fits the profile calculated from every candidate entry in the reference database to your experimental diffraction pattern. Afterwards, it creates a ranking list (candidate list) so that the entries/phases which fit best (i.e. have the highest FoM value) are located at the top. These are the ones that are most likely to be present in the sample. Finally, the user can evaluate the entries at the top of the list and select those which are most likely to be present in the sample ("matching entries/phases").

Additional information and more details about PFSM can be found on a separate page.

Workflow for Profile Fitting Search-Match

In general, there are only few steps to be taken for using PFSM in your qualitative phase analysis:

  1. Import your raw (profile) diffraction data, e.g. by pressing on the '+' button on the upper right-hand side of the pattern graphics.
  2. If required, adjust the background (orange curve) that has been calculated from the profile data automatically at pattern import, by dragging around the background control points (squares) with your mouse.
  3. If you have any information about the elements that may be present, press the "Toggle" button below the periodic table on the upper right-hand side (tab "Restraints / Composition"). This will mark all elements in red ("to be excluded"). Afterwards, click on the elements that may be present according to your knowledge about the sample (e.g. from chemical or XRF analysis). This will mark them in yellow color ("optional", "maybe present"), while the rest will remain excluded.
    You can also use other selection criteria (e.g. subfiles, like "Cement materials"), of course.
  4. Run profile fitting search-match, e.g. by pressing <Ctrl+Alt+M>, by running the command "Search-match using profile fitting" from the "Search" menu, or by pressing the toolbar button .
  5. Select the matching phase(s). Match! will by default run another PFSM calculation after the selection of a phase ("residual searching").

Here is a screenshot showing profile fitting search-match in action on a Cement sample:

Screenshot showing the new profile fitting search-match function in action


  1. PFSM can be run using the menu command "Search / Search-match using profile fitting", by pressing <Ctrl+Alt+M>, or by pressing the toolbar button .
  2. It absolutely makes sense to restrict the PFSM calculation only to certain groups of phases, if you have additional information about the sample. In this example, it was known a-priori that the sample was a Cement material. In other cases, it may be known that certain elements may be present or can be excluded.
    Additional knowledge about the sample is applied by selecting restraints.
  3. Selected phases are collected in the match list, along with their amounts if a quantitative analysis could be run automatically.
    Once you have selected a phase, PFSM is run again automatically by default, in order to find the next matching phase.
  4. During the PFSM calculation, you can watch the progress in the status bar at the bottom. Here, you can also see how many CPU cores are used.
    If you would like to stop the PFSM calculation, simply press <Esc> on your keyboard.
  5. During and after a PFSM calculation, the results that have already been obtained are displayed in the candidate list.
    A few columns in the candidate list will be different compared to the normal (peak-based) search-match.

Please note: