Keyboard Shortcuts and Function Key Mappings

Many of the most common commands and functions in Match! can also be invoked using the mouse or by pressing certain buttons on your keyboard. These so-called shortcuts are quite useful to speed up your work with Match!, especially if you know them by heart.

There are two types of shortcuts that are listed in two separate tables below:

  1. First of all, there are keyboard shortcuts that work in combination with the mouse within the diffraction pattern graphics. Typically, they are used to modify things, like peak positions or intensities, background control points etc.
  2. In the second table below, shortcuts (key combinations) that run certain commands or operations directly are given.

Table of Mouse and Key Combinations

A variety of operations can be carried out directly in the diffraction pattern graphics using the mouse. In some cases, it is also necessary to keep one or the other button pressed on your keyboard, in order to invoke the appropriate command. Here is an overview what you can do inside the diffraction pattern using your mouse.

Please note:


Cursor position in pattern graphics

Keyboard button(s)

Cursor shape

Mouse action

Shift background control point

Control point (small square) in background curve


Press left button and keep it pressed while moving the mouse

Delete background control point

Control point (small square) in background curve (must be visible!)


Press right button in order to remove the background control point below the mouse cursor

Add background control point

Background curve (must be visible!)


Press left button to add a new background control point below the mouse cursor

Mark single peak

Peak below its top (must be visible!)


Click left button to mark the peak below the mouse cursor; marks at other peaks will be removed

Mark single peak

Top of a peak (must be visible!)


Click left button to mark the peak below the mouse cursor; marks at other peaks will be removed

Mark selected peaks

Peak below its top (must be visible!)


Click left button to mark the peak below the mouse cursor, in addition to the peaks that are already marked

Mark selected peaks

Top of a peak (must be visible!)


Click left button to mark the peak below the mouse cursor, in addition to the peaks that are already marked

Mark range of peaks

To the left of the left-most peak in the range


Press the left button, then move the mouse to the right until you have selected the range of peaks you would like to mark

Add peak



Click right button to add a peak at the current cursor position

Shift peak on 2theta axis

Peak below its top (must be visible!)


Click right button and keep it pressed while moving the mouse to the left or right

Modify peak FWHM

Peak below its top; peak must be marked and visible!


Mark one (or more) peak(s) by left-clicking on it, then move the mouse over the peak (mouse cursor will change), and turn the mouse wheel in order to modify the FWHM (full width at half maximum) of the marked peak(s)

Modify peak intensity and/or position

Top of a peak (must be visible!)


Click right button and keep it pressed while moving the mouse in any direction

Select range(s) to be excluded



Press the left button, then move the mouse to the right until you have selected the range you would like to exclude from FoM calculations

Delete range exclusion mark

Inside a range marked to be excluded (grey background color)


Press the right mouse button inside a range marked to be excluded in order to re-use this range (delete the exclusion marking / grey background color)

Trim pattern on left-hand side

Left border of the diffraction pattern


Move the mouse cursor to the left border of the diffraction pattern until the mouse cursor changes, press the left button, and move the mouse to the right until you have marked the desired area to be removed. Finally, release the mouse button.

Trim pattern on right-hand side

Right border of the diffraction pattern


Move the mouse cursor to the right border of the diffraction pattern until the mouse cursor changes, press the left button, and move the mouse to the left until you have marked the desired area to be removed. Finally, release the mouse button.

Zoom (select range)



Click left button at the position where you would like to start selecting your zoom range, and keep it pressed while moving your mouse, until you have selected the desired zoom range, then release the button

Zoom using mouse wheel



Move the mouse cursor to a point you would like to zoom into, then turn the mouse wheel away from you to zoom right into this position (or vice versa)

Zoom using double-click




Double-click the left button at the position you would like to zoom into (only applicable if fully zoomed out; see below)

Zoom out using double-click




Double-click the left button (must be zoomed in)

Zoom out using right button / context menu




Click the right button to open the context menu, then select "Full pattern" or "Previous zoom"

Tracking (shifting of the zoom range)



Once you have zoomed into the pattern, press the Shift button on your keyboard (or the mouse wheel), and keep it pressed while moving the mouse around

Display vertical line at mouse cursor position




Press <Ctrl+X> to toggle the display of a vertical line at the cursor position, e.g. to compare peak positions

Zero point shifting



While keeping the Ctrl and Alt button pressed, turn the mouse wheel to shift the positions of exp. peaks and raw data along the 2theta-axis

Speciment displacement correction



While keeping the Ctrl, Alt and Shift button pressed, turn the mouse wheel to shift the positions of exp. peaks and raw data along the 2theta-axis according to Δ2θ = -2s(cos θ / R); T = -s/R

Adjust difference plot size/height

2theta / d-axis


Move the mouse cursor to the 2theta- or d-value axis (x-axis) (mouse cursor will change), press the left mouse button, and move the mouse away from you to open/increase the size of the difference plot (or vice versa)

Adjust intensity scaling factor manually

Top of a peak of an entry marked in the match list


Move the mouse cursor to the top of a peak of the entry that is currently marked in the match list (mouse cursor will change), then press the left mouse button, and keep it pressed while moving the mouse up or down to adjust the intensity scaling factor (-> quantity) of the corresponding selected phase

Adjust vertical pattern distance

To the right of the diffraction pattern graphics

Ctrl+'+', Ctrl+'-'

Place the mouse cursor to the right of the diffraction pattern, then turn the mouse wheel up or down in order to decrease or increase the vertical distance between the experimental diffraction patterns. Only available if at least two diffraction patterns are present.
You can also toggle between full and zero pattern distance by pressing the mouse wheel (center button) if this cursor is displayed.

Adjust horizontal pattern distance

At the bottom of the diffraction pattern graphics

Ctrl+Shift'+', Ctrl+Shift'-'

Place the mouse cursor at the bottom of the diffraction pattern, then turn the mouse wheel up or down in order to decrease or increase the horizontal distance between the experimental diffraction patterns ("3D-like view). Only available if at least two diffraction patterns are present and the vertical pattern distance has been reduced.
You can also toggle between full and zero pattern distance by pressing the mouse wheel (center button) if this cursor is displayed.

Table of Key Combinations and Commands

Here is a list of all keyboard shortcuts in Match! for running certain commands:

Please note: On the Mac, you have to replace "Ctrl" by "Cmd"!

Keyboard button/combination


Menu command


Automatic raw data processing

Pattern/Automatic/Autom. raw data proc.


Add new entry to the reference database directly, e.g. import from cif-file, use the current peak list or enter manually

Database/Add to reference database


Clear the current selection criteria (restraints)

Search/Reset restraints/additional entries


Enables the display of the radiation background and displays instructions how to manually modify the background using the background control points

Pattern/Background/Edit background


Copy the current diffraction pattern graphics into the clipboard, e.g. in order to paste it into other programs like Microsoft Word or Excel



Correct zero point error (2theta shift)

Pattern/Correct zero-point error


View entry data sheet of the entry that is currently marked in the candidates- or match list

View/Data sheet


Load an entry into the match list directly by specifying e.g. its name, formula sum or entry number

Search/Add entry to match list directly


Find and display the best entry for the selection criteria you have entered

Search/Find phase/entry(s)


Find next (to be applied after having used "Find" (Ctrl+F)); find the next best entry in the candidate list for your selection criteria

Search/Find next


Find previous (to be applied after having used "Find" (Ctrl+F)); find the previous entry for your selection criteria

Search/Find previous


Search for strong lines in diffraction pattern ("Hanawalt search")



Import (another) diffraction pattern file



Display mouse operations and keyboard shortcuts in online help

Help/Keyboard shortcuts and mouse operations


Peak searching using conventional method (second derivative)

Pattern/Peak searching/Peak search


Peak searching with individual profile fits of the determined peak data

Pattern/Peak searching/Peak search and fit


Add peaks manually by entering the peak parameters (open corresponding dialog)

Peaks/Add peak(s)


View tabular summary of all experimental and reference pattern peaks

View/Peak list


Run a new search-match calculation, using the normal (peak-based) method



Run a new search-match calculation using profile-fitting search-match

Search/Search-match using profile fitting


Run a new search-match calculation based on the currently marked peaks only

Search/Search-Match (marked peaks only)


Create new (empty) Match! document / session



Open/read Match! document file (session), or import first diffraction pattern file



Directly define the matching entries, by loading the corresponding entry numbers from a Match! answer set file (*.mta). This is especially helpful if series of similar samples have to be investigated.

File/Import/Predefined phase selection


Open the "Print" dialog where you can select what you would like to print



Close Match!

File/Quit (Mac: Match!/Quit)


Perform an automatic quantitative analysis, asking for any required information automatically. Match! uses the default quantitative analysis method (RIR or Rietveld) for this purpose



Display phase analysis report, e.g. for printing



Display the "Parameter Turn-On"-dialog in order to prepare and run a new Rietveld calculation

Tools/Rietveld (FullProf)


Perform a quantitative analysis, by running an automatic Rietveld refinement, using the currently selected schedule, then display the "Composition" (pie chart graphics) tab.

Quantify/Rietveld (FullProf)


Save current session (Match! document)



Save current session (Match! document) to a new file name/path

File/Save as...


Shift the experimental pattern on 2theta axis in order to obtain the best peak overlap with the reference pattern currently marked in the candidate list (internal standard)

Entries/Internal standard


Load the reference database entry that is currently marked in the candidate list as a new experimental pattern. This new pattern does not only contain the reference entry's peaks but also a profile curve that is calculated from them, using the current default FWHM value.

Entries/Load as experimental


If there is more than a single entry for a certain phase present in the candidate list, remove all but the best matching entry (FoM) for each phase

Entries/Unify phases


Toggle graphics option "Show uncorrelated peaks", displaying a light-orange rectangle in the background of experimental peaks with a certain minimum intensity that have not been assigned to identified phases yet.

View/Pattern/Uncorrelated peaks


Paste (add) text data in clipboard as a new experimental diffraction pattern

Edit/Paste diffraction pattern


Finish Match!, i.e. run the finishing actions defined on the "Batch" page of the Options dialog



Toggle the displaying of a vertical line at the mouse cursor position inside the diffraction pattern (e.g. for peak position comparison)

View/Pattern/Cursor position


Toggle the displaying of a "spectrum" of X-ray line positions as vertical line at the mouse cursor position inside the diffraction pattern. This can be handy for the investigation of peaks resulting e.g. from alpha2 or beta radiation contributions.

View/Pattern/X-ray spectral lines


Redo last undo operation



Undo last operation/command



Decrease vertical distance between experimental patterns in diffraction pane (only available if two or more patterns are present/stacked)

View/Pattern distance (3D)/Reduce vertical distance


Increase vertical distance between experimental patterns in diffraction pane (only available if two or more patterns are stacked and the vertical distance has been reduced before)

View/Pattern distance (3D)/Increase vertical distance


Decrease horizontal distance between experimental patterns in diffraction pane (only available if two or more patterns are present/stacked and the vertical pattern distance is reduced)

View/Pattern distance (3D)/Reduce horizontal distance


Increase horizontal distance between experimental patterns in diffraction pane (only available if two or more patterns are stacked and the vertical distance has been reduced before)

View/Pattern distance (3D)/Increase horizontal distance


Switch back to the previously used zoom (pattern area)

View/Previous zoom


Open dialog in which the individual automatic raw data processing steps can be configured



Open dialog in which the options for the diffraction pattern graphics can be adjusted

Options/Diffraction pattern options...


Open help window



Increase peak search sensitivity

Pattern/Peak searching/Increase sensitivity


Increase flexibility of automatically determined background curve, to follow the structures of the pattern more closely.

Pattern/Background/Increase flexibility


Raise background intensity a little bit (increase relative intensities by +0.5).

Pattern/Background/Raise background intensity


Decrease peak search sensitivity

Pattern/Peak searching/Reduce sensitivity


Decrease flexibility of automatically determined background curve, to attribute more intensity of the peak foots to the peaks (and maybe reveal small peaks).

Pattern/Background/Decrease flexibility


Reduce background intensity a little bit (subtract 0.5 from relative intensities).

Pattern/Background/Lower background intensity


Optimize peak searching sensitivity, in order to obtain the best overlap between experimental and calculated pattern

Pattern/Peak searching/Optimize sensitivity


Smooth raw data. This may sometimes be helpful when determining the peaks if the noise is rather large.

Pattern/Smooth raw data


Perform profile fitting

Pattern/Profile fitting/Profile fit


Enable/disable fitting of 2theta values

Pattern/Profile fitting/Fit 2theta


Enable/disable fitting of intensity values

Pattern/Profile fitting/Fit intensities


Enable/disable fitting of FWHM values

Pattern/Profile fitting/Fit FWHM


Delete the currently marked item(s), e.g. peaks or candidate list entries



Delete all peaks in the current experimental pattern

Peaks/Delete all peaks

Cursor up/down

Move the line mark in the candidate- or match list up/down (if it has the input focus)



Select current entry (phase) in the candidate list as "matching" (i.e. move it to the match list)

Entries/Select as matching


Select current entry in candidate list as "matching", by creating a copy of its data into a new manual entry in the match list. The manual entry can then be modified in order to adapt it to your requirements, by double-clicking on it in the match list.

Entries/Select/add copy as manual "matching" entry


If you have zoomed into the pattern previously, you can now move the visible diffraction pattern section around (tracking) simply by moving the mouse
