Diffraction Pattern Sum Calculation

You can add a diffraction data profile to another one by using the Add to pattern below command from the pattern menu. The pattern menu can be opened by clicking on the corresponding button in the top right corner of any additional diffraction pattern. The pattern menu is not available for the anchor pattern.

A dialog will be displayed in which you can select whether you would like to calculate the intensity sums using the relative intensity values or the absolute intensities (counts). In addition, you can apply an intensity scaling factor to the current pattern before it is added to the pattern below. Finally, you can define the sample ID for the resulting pattern.

Once you close the dialog by pressing "Ok", a new diffraction pattern will be inserted at the top, containing the sum of the pattern for which the command has been selected from the pattern menu and the pattern below it.

Please note: The sum is only calculated for the raw (profile) data, not for the peaks!